The department of Hospital Services is a proficient administrative department responsible for the construction and renovation of facilities in Ondo State.
It is the department in charge of procurement and supply of health equipment to State owned health facilities.
Accreditation and supervision of all public and private health facilities operating in Ondo State are carried out by this department.
The responsibility for continuing medical education for health workers also rests with the department.
Indigent applicants who apply for medical assistance from government are screened through the Medical Board of Enquiry which is a component of the Hospital Services Department to determine their suitability for assistance. Through the assistance of the Medical Board of Enquiry, the suitability of referred Civil Servants to continue service is also determined.
The department also oversees the conduct of free surgeries/medical mission.
The department is responsible for the supervision of all NHIS/MDG-MOH accredited health facilities in the State.
The Clinical Unit of the department is responsible for the treatment of the State Civil Servants.
The department has the responsibility of rendering prison health services to prison-in-mates in the State.
The department is responsible for overseeing and conduct of the activities of Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria. This consists of Doctors' practicing license renewal and monitoring of doctors practicing in the State.