Guarantee availability and access to qualitative health care for the elderly, children and young persons with special needs to attain optimal state of health;
Ensure availability of functional facilities and conducive environment for children and young people with special needs to achieve the highest level of human dignity like their counterparts without special needs;
Seek and facilitate both national and international partner support for advancement of quality life for all families in Ondo state;
Promote all activities that will help eliminate harmful social practices that negatively affect family health in the state;
Promote policies and practices that will enhance child survival and development;
Coordinate all activities, including researches that promote healthy women, infants and children nutrition for optimal growth and development;
Facilitate and coordinate all supports for adolescent friendly services by partners and designated service delivery centers in the state;
Monitor, evaluate and publish periodically key family health indicators for policy formulation and interventions;
Promote robust interactive and responsive relationship between the public and the Ministry on sensitive family health issues.
Promote early adoption of healthy lifestyles through efficient school health services.
Department Structure
Maternal and Perinatal Death Surveillance and Response